A2 MeF #Pallavolo A2 femminile – Deja McClendon saluta la Trentino Rosa, il suo futuro è brasiliano al Minas 13/05/2019A2FVolley, Brasile, Deja McClendon, Delta Despar Trentino, ivolleygram, Minas Visualizza questo post su Instagram In the end it’s not about volleyball. It’s not the wins or loses that I will remember but the hugs, smiles and laughs. It’s about the family we created and the love I will hold in my heart for these girls forever. Until next time, my darlings 👋🏾 #imnotcryingyourecrying #forzatrentinorosa Un post condiviso da Deja Mcclendon (@dejabeja) in data: Mag 11, 2019 at 11:05 PDT